Author Archives: "emalatini"


Peanut Types
Runner Peanuts Uniform in kernel size (which allows for even roasting), the runner peanut is most commonly used for making peanut butter. [...]
Peanut, that irresistible «Crunch»
Grandesproductos Argentina Escribe: Laura Litvin Instagram @laulitvin Raw, toasted, peeled, unpeeled, roasted, with or without salt, [...]
Sial Paris 2018 Once again, Gastaldi was present at one of the most important events in the food industry worldwide, SIAL PARIS [...]
15 Nutty Facts About Peanuts
1. PEANUTS ARE NOT NUTS. Just because the word “nut” is in their name doesn’t make them nuts. 2. THEY’RE GOOD FOR YOU. Peanuts are [...]
Better Diet Quality is Associated with Better Brain Health
A recent observational study, which was carried out between 2005 and 2015 with 4,213 participants from the Rotterdam Study, links a healthy [...]
Chocolate peanut nougat recipe
a recipe for PRODEMAN INGREDIENTS 1 chocolate pionono 2 tbsp Peanut butter 250 g sweet milk 120 g chocolate bath Peanut crispy c / [...]
Peanuts production, ideal for soil conservation
The cultivation of peanuts is a crop that can be used to rotate soils and thus conserve them and make them sustainable; besides that it [...]
Crop Evolution Report – Sep 2018
General Overview With rains below expectations and historical averages for this stage of the year, Argentina is getting ready to kick off a [...]
Crop Evolution Report – May 2018
Overview The current situation of peanuts differs according to the geographical area in which they are located. The Southern and part of [...]
Peanut Production Estimation in Argentina by BCCBA – July 2018
New Peanut Production Estimation in Argentina by BCCBA - July 2018 Peanut season 2017/2018: Estimates indicate a drop of in-shell peanut [...]